Heart Health

Did you know a couples workout is the most romantic thing you can do? Here’s why.

A healthy heart is essential to a long, active life. It is one of the most important organs in our bodies and can start to decline as early as our mid-20s. As we age, it loses muscle tissue, becomes less efficient and is unable to pump blood efficiently. This can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, angina (chest pain), arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats), strokes and other serious health problems. It’s more important than ever for people of all ages to maintain healthy hearts through diet and exercise. Working out is a great way to improve your cardiovascular health. It gives you more energy, helps you sleep better, and makes you feel more confident.

Here are four ways working out helps improve cardiovascular health:


It increases blood flow in your heart, which improves the delivery of oxygen-rich blood throughout your body. This means you'll have more energy and feel less tired. Our group classes offer both aeorbic (a fancy work for cardio) and aneroboic (a fancy word for strength training) exercises. This approach allows you to get the best of both worlds.



When you work out regularly, your heart muscle becomes stronger and better able to pump blood through your body. This reduces your risk for heart disease and stroke. Consider daily activities like going on a walk or a hike, or simply parking furthest from a building entrance. Many small change amount to great rewards.



Regular exercise can also reduce high blood pressure by improving the efficiency of the muscles that control blood pressure in your arteries (called arterioles). This reduces pressure on the walls of these vessels, allowing them to relax and expand as needed when you need more blood flow to those areas of your body during exercise—or even at rest!



Studies show that even moderate exercise like walking or climbing stairs three times per week can reduce your risk for diabetes by 30% over time because it helps lower glucose levels in the bloodstream which can lead to diabetes complications such as blindness or kidney failure if left untreated over time.


Cardiovascular health is an issue of major concern these days, and there's a lot we can do to help improve it. We all should take advantage of the opportunities around us to get our heart rates up and keep them there by finding new fitness routines we enjoy. After all, working in healthier ways is a win-win proposition; not only will it help us live longer and more active lives, it will also help us avoid the costly health issues that are becoming more and more common in our world today.

What’s more romantic than showing the one you love you want to live a long healthy life with them? So for this Valentines Week, to have the strongest heart we recommend putting on those running shoes and working out with the one you love.


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